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Vakhtang Burduli

Abstract. The purpose of this work was to identify economic dangers that arise during the development of the last stage of globalization (hyperglobalization) and necessitate the transition to a new stage of globalization, as well as to determine, to the extent possible, the impact of these dangers on the country's national economic security. Before moving on to solving this problem, the work first studied the general structural problems of the processes of development of globalizations of recent periods in order to identify and systematize the structures of world and state influence and business coordination on the processes of development of globalizations.

Therefore, in the first subsection of the first chapter of the work, structural elements (attributes, categories, tools, mechanisms, etc.) that ensure the course and development of globalizations are identified (and some of them were introduced by me), systematized and characterized. Among the many of these attributes are considered: Orders (Rosicrucians, Jesuits); elites; Phoenicians (i.e. Puns, Jews, Israelites, which in the sense of nationality is one and the same); historical projects that change the course of history and the nature of social relations; financial centers of global importance; good puns and pun vampires. Further, in the processes of globalization, such categories as spirituality, provoking hysteria, operations to replace the elites, priest bandits (or, what is the same, the hounds of God), “poborniks”, “bidlo” are more important. The attributes of globalization are also the media, secret intelligence networks, secret information networks. The second subsection of the first chapter discusses the relationship between such concepts as pun-vampires, the hounds of God and the canine elite in the processes of replacing elites or “enclosure”. The second subsection of the first chapter examines the relationship between such concepts as pun-vampires, God hounds and canine elite in the processes of elite replacement or "enclosure". A number of examples of fencing in different globalization periods are considered. Particular attention is paid to the planting of the obscurantist inquisitorial system in the territory of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the views of Francois Marie Voltaire, who actively fought against religious fanaticism and obscurantism back in the 18th century, are given. One of the ways to prepare for replacement in the process of fencing the elite with pun-vampires is to shoot or otherwise kill members of the current elite and even kill ordinary smart people (including children) who support the existing elite or even simply “think wrong” as they should. This subsection provides examples of such actions from the history of the Soviet Union, both well-known and from personal experience.

In the second chapter of the work, a consistent overview of the main globalizations of various historical eras is carried out, if necessary, with a brief description of the state of the level of economic and humanitarian development in them. The following stages of globalization can be distinguished: 1. Prehistoric globalization - the penetration of man from Africa and Eurasia into America, Australia and Oceania; 2. The first historical globalization - the spread of the Phoenicians through the organization of trading colonies (Carthage, Southern Spain, some islands in the Mediterranean Sea, possibly to other areas); 3. Globalization under Alexander the Great - the spread of ideas, representatives and technologies of high Hellenic civilization over a vast area from Egypt to India and Central Asia; 4. Formation of the Roman Empire, based on the achievements of the Hellenic culture with their specific development; 5. Phoenician (Punian) revenge after the defeats in the Punic wars with Rome - the development of a mystical falsified history and theory of the Christian religion (reflected in the Bible) and the distribution of Pun-vampires with these attributes to various countries of the Roman Empire, after which the gradual collapse of the Roman Empire began, the processes of creative creation throughout Europe and Asia Minor were replaced by forcing people to constant prayers and planting the “fear of God” - the so-called “dark ages” came; 6. Globalization of the Renaissance and subsequent centuries - The work describes the motives that caused the beginning of the Renaissance, the role of the Medici banking house in the organization of the Renaissance. It is shown that the greatest success in the development of industry was achieved by those countries where the bourgeoisie began to play a large role in the ruling elite. The problems of the development of industry and the parallel processes of enclosing in England, which in the 16th century was ahead of all other countries in the development of industry, are discussed. This stage of globalization saw the colonization of the Americas, and in some of the countries that emerged there, mainly the United States, the later stages of this stage saw a boom in industry. 7. The next stage of globalization is associated with world wars for the redivision of the world, revolutions (the largest in the Russian Empire), as well as with national liberation movements. Many countries, including very large ones (India, Pakistan, Indonesia) have freed themselves from colonial dependence. All these events, of course, had an economic background. 8. Finally, since the 1990s, after the end of the Cold War, a new period of globalization began, which some scholars call hyperglobalization. During this period, the post-socialist countries began the transition to a market economy, which allowed them to establish links with the rest of the world economy. International, in particular, trade relations have strengthened. However, after the global financial crisis of 2007-2008, "hyperglobalization began to retreat", in particular, global production chains and the volume of international capital flows stopped growing. And now there is a question of creating an "improved form of globalization."

 With special attention, the work examines the processes that took place during the seventh and eighth globalization stages in the space of the Russian Empire, the national elite of which resisted its replacement with particular persistence, and only under Gorbachev and Yeltsin was it possible to replace it with the Punic elite (if you count the dollar billionaires, V.V. Putin and his ministers, etc. by the elite). All dollar billionaires are Poons, that is, Jews. And not all of them are pun-vampires, some of them, on the contrary, are good puns.

The third chapter identifies the main economic dangers characteristic of the recently ended period of hyperglobalization. First of all, the views of foreign scientists are considered, who identify the reasons due to which hyperglobalization has ended. Then the reasons that led to the completion of hyperglobalization are systematically identified. There are not so many of them: 1. The current model of the economy is outdated, which needs to be revised in order to move to the next stage of globalization; 2. A consumer model of the economy was implemented in the context of an aggravating shortage of resources on the principle of "market first"; 3. TNCs are trying to destroy competing industries, i.e., industries that do not belong to them; 4. The international movement of excess money capital according to the rules of hyperglobalization in some cases causes problems for the recipient countries; 5. One of the main dangers of hyperglobalization is the decrease in the percentage of employed people for a number of reasons; 6. Loss of sufficient viability of the traditional model of capitalism; and etc.

The fourth chapter establishes the impact of some of the dangers characteristic of hyperglobalization on the economic development of Georgia: 1. Difficulty and even impossibility under the conditions of the rules of hyperglobalization to achieve energy independence of the country; 2. The appearance in Georgia of various global hyper and supermarkets, due to the activities of which the country's external debt increases faster; 3. As a result of the stagflationary processes caused by hyper-globalization, many workers previously employed in Europe were forced to return to Georgia; 4. And of course, the problem of global inflation has not bypassed Georgia either.